CANZLER supervises and coordinates conversion and refurbishment project at Hamburg Airport
CANZLER at work on project involving another major German airport for over one year now.
Under a master agreement, CANZLERis managing and coordinating several, partly interdependent construction and conversion measures for Hamburg Airport. The aim is to satisfy increased safety and logistics requirements on the construction sites and to take the needs of diverse user groups into account.
With more than 17 million passengers and over 160,000 aircraft movements every year, Hamburg Airport is Germany’s fifth largest airport. Space at the airport is limited: the existing buildings have to be adapted in line with increasing requirements and the steady growth in the number of passengers.
At the airport, CANZLERis currently assisting with several measures in different stages of the project. They range from a feasibility study to examine conversion measures to refurbishment work and conversion projects in the terminals. Under an existing master agreement, the airport can place orders for management and planning & design services for such projects at short notice. “The client benefits from the ease of commissioning and the short response times: new measures can be implemented quickly,” explains project manager Eike Riggert of CANZLER’s Hamburg office.
CANZLERis supervising not only the individual projects, but has also assumed expanded overarching coordination of the individual measures since these are interdependent for the most part. For Riggert, the fact that the projects are all in different phases is both exciting and challenging: “One project is in the planning & design phase, another is in the feasibility study stage, while another is in the implementation stage: maintaining a complete picture is crucial.”
Since all work is taking place during flight operations, close coordination with all parties involved is necessary. In most areas, not only do enhanced safety requirements have to be observed, but also logistics on account of the cramped nature of the construction sites. A large variety of different tasks also have to be dealt with on account of the various users from the retail trade, gastronomy, services, office tenants and the police.